Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Other "Babies"

Munro and Sable are our other babies. I am not sure if they know that they are really dogs???!!!

They are really good for the girls. When the girls play outside in the backyard, they stay back there with them. Normally, they don't like staying outside - they are above sleeping in the dirt!

"Two Peas in a Pod"

That would be Isabel and "Her" Ganny!

It is nice when Ganny is around though - i get away with not doing anything for Isabel - all she wants is GANNY!!!
PS Mom dont kill me for posting this picture! Hehehehe

Mysterious Sore Update

Well, Nicole's sore is almost gone. It is still somewhat visible, but I don't think she will have a scare.

As for the cause of it, well there is no real answer. It can be a hygiene "thing", but we make sure the girls get their baths at least once a week (mostly on Saturdays - so they can be all clean for Church!) LOL

There is a nickname for it and that is "School Sores". This is because kids can pick up any and everything from other kids/school. Another good reason to home school!!! (We need to try to avoid the whole lice thing whole that goes around at least once a year or so!) LOL

I guess it is all just the joys of parenthood!! : )

Friday, March 7, 2008

Nicole's Mystery "Boo Boo"

Impetigo or a Cold Sore...that is the question? I took her to the Dr and of course it was a "well it could be a cold sore or it also shows signs of Impetigo". No real answer. She did have to miss preschool last week "just in case" . Oh and of course this did not show up until AFTER Bryan left for CA :0