Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bedtime Prayers

After we tuck the girls in to bed, we say our prayers - most of the time each will say one. Well tonight's Prayers were a little funny and a little heartbreaking......

Isabel: "God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food. Amen."

Nicole: "Dear God, please keep Ganny alive and safe while she is in the hospital, and keep us safe when we move into our new house. Amen."

It was hard, but i kept my composure until i got back to my room. :-(

Monday, July 27, 2009

Farm House Pics

Rochester Waterfall

On Saturday, we took a trip to Downtown Rochester. The parts that we saw were not so pretty. It looks really rundown and not very clean (but we did not see everything). I think the area we went to is called "Center City Falls". We had a good time and the weather was great (not above 85!)

We did find the "Strong National Museum of Play". It is HUGE and not like ANYTHING i have ever seen for kids. I only went into the lobby area to get info, but that alone was huge! We will probably (most likely get the family year membership); i know that the girls will love it and that there will be plenty to do and see.

"Tea Party"

Nicole and Isabel are making a "Tea Party" for Daddy! They made "streamers" using strips of paper glued together to make a chain for decorations. They also made him special pictures and some sort of "special" Apple Pie with the NOT ripe apples that they have found in the "meadow"! Oh and we are going to go pick some really pretty flowers in the "Meadow" to put on the table!!! :-)

We are now making the tea..

More to come...

Cosby Says....

"Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry."

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bill Cosby Says....

"Raising children is an incredibly hard and risky business in which no cumulative wisdom is gained: each generation repeats the mistakes the previous one made."

Isabel Says...

The things she says - she cracks me up! :-)

This afternoon we went to Wendy's for Lunch. After we sat down and got the girls their food, Isabel says (very Loud and VERY Matter of Fact!) "I got a plain cheeseburger; just cheese and cow." I tried to explain that the other patrons may not want to think about the fact that they were eating Cow, so she should not be SO Loud. She responded with the same statement because that is what she was eating! :-)

I am not sure where she comes up with this stuff!!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Isabel Says...

Isabel is a bit "different" sometimes!

Last night, she was laying across the kitchen chair on her back (kind of like the scene in Flashdance when she gets dowsed with water)- hanging upside down, sort of. Bryan asked "Isabel where did you learn to do that?" Isabel without missing a beat said, "In Upside Down Class." She said this as if Bryan had asked a crazy question. Then we asked her about this "Upsidedown Class", and she said that it was "six hours", "at the YMCA", and "Ganny" took her.

We asked her about it again today, and she told the same story (with a few slight changes, but everything else the same.) She REALLY thinks that she has taken this class!
That is "our" Isabel!!! :-)

A Child's Heart

My girls amaze and amuse me everyday!

But something Isabel said last night really caught me off guard.

We were putting the girls to bed. At bedtime the girls say thier prayers. Isabel prayed "God, please take care of Uncle Bub. I love him so much. Amen"

Over the past 3+ yrs, we try to explain that Uncle Bub died and is now in Heaven with God and that is why Mommy gets sad sometimes. We talk about it with them and I really think that they can "understand" it all on a whole other level than adults.
Children are a Wonderful Blessing that goes beyond any words....