Saturday, August 8, 2009


We are off to get lunch at our new favorite Diner and then taking the girls to The Strongs National Museum of Play. This place is amazing! I have only been in the "lobby" and that was enough - WOW!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. Oh Yeah, Today's High is 75!!!

Isabel Finds a Snake!

Isabel came running and yelling "I found a snake!" Of course we thought that it was probably just a stick or something. She was very serious and "matter-of-fact" about there really being a snake. So we all went over to see, and sure enough she was right! I went to get my camera and Nicole just went running. As we were taking pictures and watching the snake, Nicole yelled "I am going to call Papa and tell him that you are not being safe!" She was frantic and did call Papa to "tell" on us. Of course, the rest of us stayed out there watching the snake and taking pics and video. It felt great to get that close to the snake and not go running, as i have a terrible fear of snakes.
Oh yeah as you can see in the picture, Munro didn't have a clue. :-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Coast Guard Day Picinic

Here are some pics from our CG Day Picinic. We had a good time; good food, nice conversation, and a little rain! Nothing too big, but the girls were able to meet some of the other kids, and they got to tour the boat. :-)