Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Isabe's 1st Loose Tooth!

Last week at school Isabel "discovered" that she had a loose tooth. Her teacher's, Mrs. Zimmerman, description of what happened is hilarious! She said that she didn't know what to do because she never had a child respond to a loose tooth that way in all of her 13yrs of teaching Kindergarten. I will try to retell it.... Out of the blue, Isabel SCREAMED (with hands in the air) "I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH!" She began to cry and say "I HAVE TO GO TO THE DENTIST RIGHT NOW!" She told Mrs. Zimmerman that her sister told her that someone had a loose tooth and they bled all over and could taste it. It took about an hour to calm her down, then she started again so Mrs. Z sent her to the nurse to see if she could calm her down. Yeap, that's my Isabel!

Her tooth is still loose and she was upset again tonight while i was trying to get her to go to sleep. I don't know how she is going to act when the thing comes out!!!

Here is the email Mrs. Z sent me that day....

I wanted to also let you know that this morning Isabel discovered that her tooth was loose. Instead of being so excited about this, she was extremely worried about it and had some tears. She immediately said that she had to go to the dentist and needed to go home. She also shared that when her friend's tooth came out there was blood all over. She seemed frightened that something was going to happen to her tooth, I did the best I could giving her positive thoughts about loose teeth etc., and at first she calmed down, but the Isabel started to complain of her tummy hurting. I think she was feeling so worried about her tooth that she was making herself not feel very good. So I had someone take her to the nurse and Judy was able to calm her down. Isabel has been fine since then, but I can tell that she is still worried about her tooth. When she gets off the bus, you might see her crying or desperately needing to tell you about her tooth. I have never had a child react this way about a loose tooth, so if you have any ideas on how to comfort Isabel tomorrow when she comes to school, I would appreciate it.

First Day of School

September 8, 2009
For some reason the pics are in the wrong order - go from the last pic to the 1st!

Getting Home!

Getting Home!

Time to Go!


September 8, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Off to School

It has been a long time since i last posted, and i have so much to post but not enough time!

For now, I will just post a couple of pics of the girls waiting for the school bus in the morning. These are not "First Day of School" pics, I will post those as soon as i download them to my laptop.

They go to "Autumn Lane Signature School of the Arts" (grades Pre-K - 2nd Grade) a school less than a mile from our house.

We went to Open House for Nicole last night, and everyone is VERY welcoming and very friendly. She has 2 teachers for 18 students - both of her teachers are Wonderful!

She has done her "testing" to see if she is on level etc. Her teachers said that she did Great and she is right where she is supposed to be. They also said that she is a very good student and they couldn't believe how well she does with writing!

I guess that 1/2 day Kindergarten wasn't so bad after all!!! :-) We actually had someone tell us that if she stayed in a 1/2 day K, she would NEVER (yeah the person was yelling!) make it in any "New York" school. Well it seems that she is "making it" and doing well!!!

God is Good and we are Blessed :-)