Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Eel Swimmers

Today was the girls first day of swimming in the "Eel" class. The went from "Pike" to "Eel"! They were really excited and had a great time. (at the swimming class)

Isabel has a cold so now she is throwing up in the car again : ( She threw up on the way there and on the way back - she has become an expert with a cup. She throws up right in it, and usually no mess to clean up!

The pics show the girls getting ready to leave.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Weekend

Well, this weekend just flew by. It is hard to even remember what we really did! The girls have both been sick, and Bryan took Nicole and Isabel to the Drs. on Sat and Nicole has an ear infection :( They said Isabel is ok for now but she may get one too - great!
Nicole and Bryan made it to church this morning, but i stayed home with Isabel who was doing a good bit of coughing. I hated to miss it because we placed flowers at the alter this Sunday in Memory of Bub's Birthday. The flowers were gorgous. I will post a picture tomorrow :)
Good Night.....

Friday, February 22, 2008

Rainy Friday

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Not much new to tell today. The girls are just getting over their colds (well Isabel is just getting it). I this weather is making them a little "crazy".
We are fighting with them to clean their room, which is lots of fun. Isabel always has some sort of ailment when it comes to cleaning up. They played "dress up" today so their room is a huge mess! :(

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Crazy Week

The girls have missed the whole week ( 3 days ) of preschool. Both have a cough, but Nicole's is/was really bad. She had a fever and just not feeling well. She is much better today, but i thought that i would keep them home anyway - i have heard that there is a lot of stuff going around and i don't need them picking anything else up!

Right now they are washing the glue off their hands - they love to just cut paper and glue it to another piece of paper. We go through a lot of paper and glue!!!

It is early and nothing much to tell. Oh yeah, they has their last swimming lesson on Tuesday and they passed! So now they can go to the Eel level (the first is Pike).

Thats all for now...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A New Journal

I am going to start a journal just for our 2 girls. I want to write a little each day, so I can remember the cute (and not so cute!) things they do and/or say.