Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uncle Gerri's Visit Con't...

October 17, 2009

After the boat ride, Gerri took the girls shopping! They picked out several things to go with their kitchen. We had planned on taking Gerri to Niagara Falls on Sunday, but Isabel had a fever start Sat night. Bryan and I ended up taking Both girls to the ER on Sunday morning. Both girls woke up with a fever - Isabel had a fever with a lot of coughing, and Nicole was throwing up. Nicole stopped throwing up, and then started the coughing and sneezing. By Monday, all 4 of us had fevers and were in the bed sick. :-(

Nicole Opening Their Toys (Isabel Before the Motrin Kicked In!)

Motrin Has Kicked in and Isabel is Ready to Go!

Isabel with Her "Special" Pizza for Uncle Gerri!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Isabel and Nicole, I hope you two are feeling much better. Uncle Gerri was sick too and missed some work. It was a great visit regardless if everyone ended up sick. I miss you two already. Try not to get too cold this winter. I love you both.

Uncle Gerri