Sunday, October 25, 2009

Uncle Gerri's Visit - Getting Rerady for the Boat Ride!

October 17, 2009

Uncle Gerri came to visit! He arrived in Rochester around 9pm Friday Oct. 16th and stayed through the weekend. The girls were shy at first, but not for too long. Isabel warmed up the quickest. After picking Gerri up from the airport, we went to Red Robin for a late dinner. The girls had a really good time, and Isabel got a free sundae for her Birthday (thanks to Uncle Gerri!).
On Saturday, we went to the station and Bryan took Gerri for a boat ride. The water was too cold for the girls to go so we stayed back in Bryan's office and watched TV. I think the boys had a good ride!

Gerri in Bryan's Mustang (he could not move and/or breath!)

Bryan Working to Get Gerri Out of the Mustang (he couldn't go out and not be able to move and/or breath!)

Still Working....

Gerri in a Borrowed Mustang (fits much better!)

Now They are Ready!!!

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